Spring was here momentarily on the Central Coast, and I am confident that it will return soon. Now that winter is a thing of the past, it is time to shed the layers and tone up for all the jet setting I have planned for spring and summer. (Yeah, right! We just bought a house.)
But seriously, moving in the midst of the craziest time of the school year really threw a monkey wrench into my workout routine, and in the last few weeks I have slowly but surely been getting back on track. Now that I am settling back into my old habits of running a few times a week and walking or hiking on the days in between, I want to kick it up a notch so I am ready for all that fun spring and summer fashion.
Enter Tracy Anderson, trainer to the stars.
I have been using her home workout DVD's for about 2 years now intermittently. Her Method is two fold: 45 minutes of dance cardio, and another 45 minutes of body sculpting - insane dynamic weight-bearing exercises done on angles. I have never really gotten into the dancing part because the routines were too complicated for this klutz and I do a lot of cardio with the pups. However, the dynamic movements are killer in every sense of the word; it's amazing how quickly they tire out your large muscle groups and target the smaller muscles to pull everything together, all by just using your body weight. When I am doing the sculpting portion regularly, I see major results in my problem areas.
But the problem is I tend not to do it regularly. So here is where the public declaration comes in: I ordered her new "Hipcentric" line of Metamorphosis DVD's about a month ago, and I am committing to doing at least the sculpting DVD 4 days a week. At first I thought I would get up at 5 am and work out before school 5 days a week, but let's face it, that is never going to happen. Four days a week seems reasonable, doable, attainable. And I still think I will see results.
So there it is. I am on track for this week, but I will let you know how it is going in a month or so. (The next two weeks should be cake thanks to CST's and spring break.)
What are you doing these days after a winter of hibernating?
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